After 9/11 US declared Osama Bin Laden our most dangerous enemy, the enemy of man kind. And along with him were many other terrorists. Now, to some it may not bother, they might just not care about it because, 'they are not so unfortunate to get attacked by terrorists'. To some, their neighbours, relatives, landlords and others may be the most dangerous enemy of man kind and they do have their respectable reasons for thinking so.
But what really made US list Laden as the enemy of man kind? What makes us think that a particular person is evil? Sure their deeds do but wouldn't it be more helpful if we just forget what wrongs somebody does to us? We can't. It has almost become a law of nature to have a feeling of killing someone once an emotion called ANGER takes over us. It is an emotion which has ruined uncountable lives. Actually, it is the reason behind every life that has been ruined. So, it is anger that is our most dangerous enemy.
There is something known as 'The Cycle of Anger' (yes, I just made it up). According to TCA if person A is angry with person B then there exists some person C who is angry with person A such that person B is angry with person C. There can be 'n' number of persons in the cycle and like it or not, this cycle has been existing since a long time and as long as we exist, it will too. But sure it's up to us whether or not to be a part of it. But that requires a lot of power of will because the cycle is so lucrative that even the Gods have not been able to resist it and believe me, even they have repented. On the religious side, TCA is the very creation of Satan/Kali/whoever the demon is according to your religion. We need to stay away from it for as long as possible and fortunately that is not impossible. Some great men and women deserve to get their names registered in guinness for having resisted TCA throughout their lives.
I'm not saying we should never get angry or we should try to suck out the emotion out of us, because it's not possible. Anger is an emotion just like any other. Haven't you hidden your tears in front of your friends after watching a really emotional movie? Haven't you hidden your sadness from your children? Haven't you hidden your laughter in the middle of dead silence class in college and school? Some have also hidden their love. So c'mon, hide your anger too. I have always believed that love and anger are two sides of the same coin. If you show one of them, the other gets hidden. Also, to most of us love is the strongest emotion so if we can hide love we CAN hide anger too. I can't remember a single instance when I have acted in anger and not regretted later, can you?
So, how do we go about it? How do we hide anger and prevent major damages? It's simple. SHUT UP! Yes, do not speak when you're angry unless you really have to and you're sure that what you say is completely unrelated to what made you angry. Because when you're angry the devil inside you comes out and just spoils the party (yes even if most of the parties today are more devilish). You will go on to say things you never wanted to and later, when your calm, you'll realise how hurtful words can be sometimes. Blabbering when you're angry not only boils your blood but it starts to heat others' blood too. And when that happens, Mr. Bush declares war and hangs Saddam Hussein.
For some keeping their mouths shut may not help, in such cases just walk off making an excuse. Leaving the ambience filled with anger and hate really helps. Look for a cool and quiet place and just relax there. Punch a wall, a rock or anything that cannot feel it but never even think of doing it to ones who can. I've punched living beings a couple of times and trust me it didn't end well. Also, punching hard objects when you're angry tones up your knuckles (not that you should use them now). The
laughter therapy from '
Munna Bhai MBBS' also helps.
There are a million other ways like yoga and pranayam or the easy ones like recalling a joke or a funny incidents but I understand nobody would think of yoga and pranayam in the middle of a developing plot of a murder or would like to share a joke.
Come to think of it, who are we to decide what punishment a person deserves for an offence because according to TCA, when we get angry, we become one of the three persons. I do not mean to say we should let all the criminals free but if it is us who decides what is a crime and what is not, then somewhere down the track it is us who has made criminals out of people and we all know they become criminals due to a reason. If we attempt to track that reason we WILL find anger as one of them.
So, to conclude I would say, just try being away from least till 14 of this month.